Those Emotional Women

When you hear the term "emotional woman" does it conjure a positive or negative idea?  For a long time it has carried a negative or at least limiting stigma for me.  Recently though I've been putting some work into rethinking the concept.  I would love to hear your thoughts.

What if being an "emotional woman" isn't a handicap but rather an asset? What if we thought of it more as emotional intelligence instead of emotional instability? This shift in thinking might change the world.

Don’t be fooled into thinking emotion must be at odds with good decision making. Instead treat emotion as a tool to become skilled with an indicator used to discern deeper things.  

Emotional intelligence is quickly becoming a coveted trait for corporate leadership positions.  I would argue that it is just as important (and maybe even more valuable) in church, home and ministry settings.  

Emotion is just one more way we reflect our Creator.  And whether your emotions range a large spectrum or a small gambit, they are a gift.

Never let yourself feel inferior for being an emotional woman (or man).  Never let the presence of emotion be the cause for doubting your calling or leadership potential.  

-Ashley Easter