Who Needs More Respect, Men or Women?

Welcome back to Christian Feminism Weekly with Ashley and Charlie!

Have you ever heard of the Love and Respect theory? This is an idea that men need respect and women need love. Today we are going to talk about how this can actually turn out to be a dangerous idea.

“I think that the idea that, ‘men need respect, but women don’t need respect, women need love, but men don’t need love so much’ is really just an excuse for men not to respect women, and that can definitely lead to abuse.” 

Notes and Sources:

1. Nate Sparks blog series on the book Love and Respect

Statistics provided by RAINN, Health Research Funding, and UNWomen.

We are going to be taking a podcast break for a couple of weeks but we will be back soon with some new and for faith, feminism, and freedom!

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-Ashley Easter