I Have A Vision (mini sermon)

Today I'm doing a little vision casting about some of my dearest desires for my future babies and grandbabies. I have a sense in my spirit that change is happening as we speak. There is a moving in the Body toward freedom for both men and women. It will take time and it will not come without effort but I believe in a future of realized equality for future generations in the Church. It is our birthright to live into our roles as heirs with Christ, both women and men.

"So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise." -Galatians 3:26-29 {NIV}


"I have a vision that one day my granddaughters will be able to walk into churches across the world and be esteemed as equals.  That their value, usability and wisdom will not be filtered by their sex but by their intrinsic worth, gifting and maturity.  I hope with a holy hope that they will not be burdened with proving their equal standing to justify the gifts God has already given them but that spiritual authority will be publicly and prophetically spoken over them with a hearty, “Amen”.

I wish for my grandsons that they will grow up secure in who they are in Christ and in the gifting He has given them, so secure that they will not feel intimidated by the callings of their sisters.  And I hope with a holy hope that they would have the joy of learning from and serving along side gifted women who seek to encourage, enrich and bless them with their unique ministry perspectives and callings.

I wish for my granddaughters, marriages where their voices are not only noted but given equal weight and authority. 

I wish for my grandsons to finally have the blessing of the strong help God intended for them in a spouse so they no longer are forced to carry the weight of spiritual and practical leadership alone.

And for those who relish singleness, that they would know their gifts, voices and serving capabilities are just as valuable, valid and vital as their married siblings.

My vision for all of my grandchildren is that they will join together, using the entirety of their unbound gifting.  This, I believe, would create a force stronger than this world has ever seen.  I dream that this mighty army would free the captives and vanquish oppression through the power of the Gospel.  That they would bring the banner of the kingdom, which is love, over the broken and hurting.  That they would say to those lost in the broken caste system of this world, “Come to Jesus!  He alone offers you freedom and equal footing at the cross.” 

-Ashley Easter