
Sometimes being brave means telling your story and preparing for the backlash.

Sometimes being brave means speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Sometimes being brave means confronting the establishment and demanding change.

Sometimes being brave means leading the charge in an expedition for truth.

Sometimes being brave means doing something that simply no one else would do.


Sometimes being brave is just getting out of bed on a day when your anxiety disorder tries to pull you back beneath the sheets.

Sometimes being brave is knowing when it’s ok to cancel all appointments and take a rest.

Sometimes being brave is writing the word courage on your wrist so you can remember to try and be courageous today.

Sometimes being brave is asking for what you need when shame tells you: “you’re not worth it.”

Sometimes being brave is whispering, “I’ll try again tomorrow.”

Being brave isn’t always grandiose. Sometimes being brave is just doing the next right thing. And more often than not, what looks like bravery to others feels like an act of necessity for yourself. Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is to practice self-care. Taking a rest doesn't mean you are lazy. It means you are human. 

So, be brave today. Be brave in big ways... but be brave in the small ways too.

-Ashley Easter